As plastic pollution expands on the ocean every year, nations have been encouraging packaging reduction, and “Plastic free” has become one of the main goals of environmental conservation. To promote, protect and achieve this goal, Pin Mao has launched the brand new refillable packaging design for plastic cosmetic jars. 

A whole new separable design for the cosmetic jar, with its interior able to be disassembled. By reusing the exterior shell and refilling the inner content, plastic use can be reduced, while also saving more packaging budget. Pin Mao considered that under the promotion of "Plastic free”, your customers might favor this choice that is more environmentally friendly. Pin Mao gives you the opportunity to provide your customers that love buying repeat products a better option --- refillable interior package with lower price in comparison. The new design is simple to handle, gently taking out the interior and replacing it with the same type of refilling package will be fine. 

Pin Mao’s has worked hard on the goal to provide products that satisfy our customers for 30 years. At the same time, we hope not only to please you, but also your customers. Pin Mao wishes that while our product is environmentally friendly, it also meets the market demand. Feel free to browse on our official website, and check out more of Pin Mao’s cosmetic jar products. 

